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About us

Catholic Discovery is the digital arm of the Catholic Enquiry Centre (New Zealand). 

The Catholic Enquiry Centre is an agency of the New Zealand Catholic Bishops' Conference. Our primary mission  is to light a pathway to Christ through evangelisation and by supporting individuals as they journey towards faith. For over sixty years, we have been the first point of contact for people seeking information about the Catholic faith in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Everyone is welcome in the Catholic Church. If you are a newcomer, a recent convert, or you are a Catholic who has lost their way and would like to come home, I pray that you find what you are looking for here. 

For further information and advice about how to become Catholic, please contact Rebecca, who is the Director of the Catholic Enquiry Centre. All of our contact details are at the bottom of the page. 



Our Prayer

E te Atua Matua,

Grant the precious gift of faith to all who seek you with a sincere heart, that they may love, serve and worship you as members of your Church; and may the Holy Spirit accompany them throughout their lives.

Mā to mātou Ariki mā Hēhu Karaiti. 
