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Recent Reflections


I am a sinful man

In today's Gospel reading from Luke, we encounter Simon Peter's profound reaction to the miraculous catch of fish. After a night of fruitless labour, Simon Peter follows Jesus's instruction to cast the net once more, resulting in an overwhelming catch. Witnessing this miracle, Simon Peter falls at Jesus's knees and exclaims, "Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!" (Luke 5:8).

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The Presentation of our Lord

Forty days after Christmas, we celebrate the Presentation of the Lord. To fulfil the requirements of her Jewish faith, Mary must visit the temple to be purified after giving birth, and to present her child. There at the temple in Jerusalem, two people recognise baby Jesus as Christ: Simeon and Anna.

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Be Bold

In today's Gospel, Luke begins by explaining his purpose: to provide an orderly account of the events that have been fulfilled among us, so that we may know the certainty of the teachings we have received. This introduction sets the stage for the story of Jesus's return to Nazareth, where He reads from the scroll of the prophet Isaiah in the synagogue.


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