Do not let go

Just as a branch cannot bear fruit on its own unless it remains on the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in me." John 15:4
I have absolutely no doubt that we are better off with Jesus in our lives. It makes me sad that He is missing for my atheist friends and family, who think I’m the crazy one. I can see the gaping God-sized hole in their lives, yet they simply will not believe.
My years as a teacher in secondary schools gave me insight into how resilient the students were who had a relationship with Jesus, compared with those who did not. That makes my will to evangelise stronger.
But here I am being all smug about my faith, and that’s not okay either. It is too easy to express an inflated sense of Christian high-ground, and there’s nothing more off-putting for atheists and agnostics than that. There's the right way to evangelise, and there's the wrong way.
Unfortunately, it is difficult to find a different way of describing the blessings I've received through my belief in God, and I desperately want others to have the same peace and joy in their lives. They soon tell me not be so judgy about what they need in their lives. Maybe they are right to do so?
This is the real merit of using metaphor and parable, as Jesus does in His teaching.
Metaphor forces those listening to have a good long think for themselves, and come to their own conclusions. It must be said however, that when Jesus uses metaphor, He speaks with the authority of God and leaves little doubt about what He means. I am grateful for the metaphors that have pulled me into God’s arms.
I know that I am better off with Jesus, as I have lived with Him and without Him. I’ve had periods in my life of actively rebelling against Him. Those years did not go well. In fact, they were hell.
Now that I am fully accepting of Jesus as my king and saviour, every day feels a lot like Heaven. I still sin. I still have moments of doubt. I still have obstacles to overcome, but every day I find myself clinging to Christ like the branch of a vine.
I will not let go.
Today's Readings: Acts 9:26-31 Psalm 21 1 John 3:18-24 John 15:1-8
picture: Giordano Aita Adobe
Source: Fifth Sunday of Easter
This Sunday