
In the Gospel reading for the second Sunday of Lent, we encounter the Transfiguration, which is a spectacular glimpse of Jesus’s divinity. It begins when Jesus leads Peter, James and John “up a high mountain where they could be alone.”
There, his companions witness a transformation in Jesus. His face glows and his clothes turn bright white. Moses and Elijah appear, and the disciples watch in wonder as Jesus speaks with these two great prophets.
In climactic marvel, the voice of God is heard. “This is my son, the Beloved; he enjoys my favour. Listen to him.” And this is where my attention is caught today.
Listen to him.
What does it mean for me to listen to Jesus?
It means that I read the New Testament and do my best to respond to it. I pay attention to his commands, such as follow me, love thy neighbour and do not be afraid. There is discipleship in these words, and therefore an invitation to stand with Peter and James and John. Be a witness with them.
If I listen to Jesus, I hear parables, his way of using story to make sense of the world around me and instruct me how to behave. Frankly, as old as I am, I still need that instruction.
I am listening to Jesus when I apply his values to my everyday life.
I am listening to Jesus when I act upon personal revelation and have faith in the reality of his love for me.
I listen during quiet moments during prayer when I allow space for his voice. This is particularly true when I practise Lectio Divina or The Rosary. Writing this reflection is a good reminder to do this more often.
I hear his words during Mass, especially during the Sacrament of the Eucharist, when we are united with him through his nourishment and the promises of the Last Supper.
I am listening to Jesus when I say the Lord’s Prayer, the prayer he taught us, and when I hand over my day and my anxieties to his care. He manages my life so much better than me.
Jesus can be heard in the niggle at the back of my mind when I have made the wrong decision, or in the thumping weight of guilt when I sin.
When I turn to Mary, I am hearing his words on the cross when he says, “Here is your mother.” She is his gift to us. One of so many.
What does it mean for me to listen to Jesus?
It means everything.
Readings for today are:
Genesis 12:1-4 Psalm 32 2 Timothy 1:8-10 Matthew 17:1-9
Source: 2nd Sunday in Lent A1
This Sunday