The Presentation of our Lord

Forty days after Christmas, we celebrate the Presentation of the Lord. To fulfil the requirements of her Jewish faith, Mary must visit the temple to be purified after giving birth, and to present her child. There at the temple in Jerusalem, two people recognise baby Jesus as Christ: Simeon and Anna.
These two live and breathe their faith. They are in the temple each day and would have seen scores of children being presented. Simeon is a priest filled with the holy spirit and Anna a prophetess who has spent her long life in prayer and fasting. We can only wonder what it was about the baby that led them to see his true nature. Was His temperament particularly sweet? Was He beautiful? Perhaps there was nothing remarkable about the babe except what the Spirit led them to see in Him.
Their recognition of the Infant Jesus connects the spiritual heritage of the expectant people of Israel with their salvation. The fulfilment of the Law and the Prophets is symbolised by the baby being welcomed by these venerable representatives of their traditions.
This moment highlights the fulfilment of God's promises and the work of the Holy Spirit in revealing Jesus's identity.
The Holy Spirit brings people to Christ. The Holy Spirit makes us feel a certain way when we pray, perhaps giving us a warmth or sense of being loved, or finds some other means to communicate with us, to push us along, to notice the God who loves us. This role is certain; it is our response that makes the difference.
Do you allow the Spirit to lead you to God like Simeon and will you speak of it like Anna?
Too many see Jesus and don’t recognise Him for who He is. This is true of people in the Bible, but also of people today.
Maybe you have experienced the pull of the Holy Spirit and resisted? Maybe that pull is persistent and won’t give you peace until you come to the temple and find Christ.
Today's readings: Malachi 3:1-4 Psalm 24 Hebrews 2:14-18 Luke 2:22-40
Photo Credit: 'The Presentation of the Lord' clamon/Adobe Stock
Source: The Presentation of the Lord
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